Ebury Press
224 Pages
The words such as
forgiveness and peace have always represented abstract ideas and thoughts,
something to be understood by the intellect rather than a viable experience. Kia,
however, provides a more integrated wisdom that allows moving such concepts from
the head to the heart. A potentially life changing approach with a deeper
understanding of why I suffer, and how to gently let go, and later the
realization of the true nature of things is presented in this beautiful book.
Forgiveness, a priceless
gift from the beloved presence dwelling within our hearts, is like a soothing
balm for healing all our wounds. The pain we feel when we lose our home or
other material possessions. The pain we experience in our body when we face a
physical illness. The pain of separation from a loved one – from loss due to
death of the body or the death of a relationship – so that our beloved is no
longer part of our everyday social fabric. The pain we feel when we believe we
have disappointed someone we love by our actions, or when we feel a sense of
shame or regret and judge ourselves as failures.
We need the comforting
presence of forgiveness to dry all our tears. Whenever we feel lost, confused,
lonely, upset or disconnected, a steady practice of forgiveness anchors us in
the truth of our being—a changeless, timeless, deathless, and birth less reality
that is pure peace, love, and joy. In our fast-paced lives mired in space,
time, and form where the only thing that is constant is change, forgiveness
helps us shift our perspective, so we see our situation differently. Herein
lies the true gift and healing that forgiveness offers. It is a medicine that
we take and allow it to work inside us at a pace that is comfortable for us; we
cannot and must not rush this process. However, it is our choice that only we
can make. Only we have the power to choose forgiveness. While it may seem that
we are forgiving another person or situation, in reality, it is we that are in
most need of forgiveness.
The conscious choice made to not allow an unpleasant event to become frozen in our minds and hearts,
but, to allow all the painful emotions to flush up in a safe space; the anger, the
sadness, the hurt, the confusion – all must be bought into awareness. Only then
can we go deeper into the peace, love, and joy that are buried underneath. This
inner sanctuary of peace, love, and light can never be hurt or taken
away from us. It is our treasure to claim hidden right underneath all the pain
and darkness. And forgiveness can light our way, so we may fully allow this
healing to truly wash over us, so we may feel whole once more – perhaps even
stronger and more resilient than before. When we begin to practice forgiveness,
the world becomes a better place to live. Forgiveness is essential to releasing
fear and living in peace. In fact, forgiveness is the single most important
thing we can do to create a life of love and happiness. This is the essence and teaching of
this book.
This book is a practical
guide to forgiveness. It reveals how we unconsciously carry old wounds into our
daily lives, and then guides us through a simple process for identifying and
releasing these emotions. An everyday approach to identifying hurts and angers
in the moment and releasing them through forgiveness allows us to lead happier
and stress-reduced lives.
The usage of simple words
and lucid language helps to maintain coherence throughout the book. It is a manual for hard times - a
gem, indeed! Anytime I'm unsettled, I know, I will turn to this book to feel grounded
again. An inspiring book you MUST get. Also, a worthy gift you can give to
anyone you love and care for.
Review copy courtesy – PR, Penguin Random House India.