Title - The Light Catcher
Author - Sameer Chopra
Genre - Fiction
The Light Catcher is a story of a young artist called Purab who, in search of a comfortable life, enters the competitive corporate world. He is constantly pushed to fulfil targets. The story points out the stark reality of what happens in the so called corporate world which is full of favouritism and treachery. Amongst all this confusion he finds solace in photography and the company of Rati, his co-worker, who herself is pulled towards the glamour of this world.
I was attracted to the jacket of the book that tries to illuminate several themes that are addressed in the book. It shows a great city with skyscrapers staying awake all the night, the protagonist standing alone and observing the city with a camera in his hand in a hope to get famous and mark his existence in the maximum city. The title has a deeper meaning itself (which you come to know of later in the story)!
With an easy narration, Sameer Chopra deals with the themes of self-discovery and following one’s passion while recounting the struggles one undergoes to survive in any industry.
The author recounts situations with so much detail that a corporate worker will definitely be able to relate to. Purab’s dedication and belief on his work to the extent of disregarding authority or dominant social norms set a strong statement throughout the book. The plot was entertaining as we follow Purab and Rati taking decisions and facing their consequences.
I liked the author’s writing style as he solidly described a typical 9 to 5 job system. I am glad author kept the whole thing crude and practical rather than showing unreal and overnight success kind of a fairy-tale. The details of photography are also mentioned in a way that non-photographers will also enjoy how a photographer has to get into details before clicking a picture of yours.
Overall, a realistic and well written contemporary fiction that is based on the mad rush and competitive environment of the corporate world. The characters are so nicely elaborated that you understand the pain and confusion of each one of them. Specially, the protagonist, Purab, becomes a part of yourself as the way his thoughts and approaches are discussed makes you relate yourself with him after every 2-5 pages. Purab’s character may inspire, irrespective of all the hurdles one has to cross or even putting at stake everything one owns, to create new possibilities and follow one’s passion.
Great narration and splendid sequence of events explained vividly in this novel. This novel is about a story of the protagonist who wanted to pursue his dreams - dreams of catching the light.
If any reader is interested in the genre of Corporate Drama, then she/he can definitely check the book out. In short, the book is engaging, riveting and keeps the readers glued to turn every page until the story ends. This book despite of being a debut novel by the author has got all the elements in place!
Rating : 4.5/5
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