Friday, 15 September 2017

My Way Of Being Healthy


P.S: This post is among the top 15 winner posts. That's my winner badge :)

I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. - Joyce Meyer

We do not value health, until sickness comes. If one is healthy, he has hope, the one who has hope has everything for himself. Every man's sickness and ill health is his personal property, I believe, which means we are all responsible for our health and also for the cheer we spread around if we are in the pink of health!

As a child I was always blessed with good health. And so I kept my parents away from the pain of carrying me again and again to the paediatrician. On the other hand, my baby brother was just the opposite. He kept my parents on toes as they kept rushing him to doctors. The greatest wealth and happiness is indeed health and not pieces of gold.

Many children of India suffer from malnutrition. The cause is within us, but fortunately, the cure too is within us. Children with good health are the wealthiest. “Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other.”  ~Joseph Addison. How true, isn't it?

For the babies : Nutrition for toddlers should be food that is pure and natural - not processed with additives. Toddlers enjoy finger food. They need a break from purees and cereals. Feed them fruits or green vegetable snacks. Give apple slices and carrot sticks when they have enough teeth and ability to chew them. Be sure that your kids are up to date on their immunizations. Babies need strong bones, healthy weight to stay alert and active. Choose a natural drink for them - water. Don't let them become the slaves of TV and computers, push them to play outdoors and please, please - feed them healthy snacks! Raise happy kids : Raise healthy kids!

Parents ~ let your child grow, let his imagination run wild, let him be healthy, mentally and physically, both! Do not script their lives. Make them eat their meals on time. It is too simple a strategy for happiness. Let them refuel their growing brains with regular meals and sound sleep. Apart from your unconditional love, striking a balance between eating and doing physical activity is important for them.

Balancing what you eat is the key to healthy lifestyle. Eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions and maintaining a healthy body weight is something that everyone desires. Healthy eating habits can help prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, and arthritis too.

When you eat a balanced diet containing whole grains, meats, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, your body has the necessary fuel to run it efficiently. A balanced diet boosts energy and enriches the body, thus making it strong enough to combat diseases. Crash diets mostly fail because they try to fool the body. Rapid weight loss promises are metabolically unsound and unsafe. When a person suddenly goes on a crash diet and restricts calories the body needs, the body actually starves. This threatens the nourishment level of the body. Never, never opt for crash diets.

I try and stick as far as possible to healthy home cooked food, even if it is simple daal, chawal and subzi! A void junk food as much as you can.

To boost my immunity I do have a spoon of Dabur Chyawanprash daily. It does not have any side effects and increases resistance power against diseases and common ailments like flu and cold.

I exercise, if not daily, thrice a week, so that my body is active. 

We all know that honey has many advantages. But rarely do we know, that it helps to lose weight effectively and in staying healthy? A Times Of India report quotes that you can drop a dress size by simply consuming 1 teaspoon of honey every night before going to bed. Simple, isn't it? Honey helps burn a lot of fat and increases stamina. During sleep, honey works its magic and burns fat. Magical, isn't it? I make sure I have a spoon of honey before going to bed every day.  I also give a healthy start to your day with a spoonful of Honey with a glass of warm water. The key to being healthy is a combination of healthy diet, honey and exercise!

Apart from that, my tips on staying healthy, in a nutshell are:

-Get enough sleep at night. By not allowing our body sufficient rest, the immune system will sputter, and as a result, not function at full capacity and become vulnerable to common illnesses. A healthy, deep sleep is important!

-Consume plenty of water. Water washes away toxins, allergens and wastes from our body. It keeps our immune system operating optimally while improving the way we feel, look and live.

-Exercise. An increase in blood flow associated with moderate exercise helps to circulate antibodies along with white blood cells necessary to fight infection more quickly. As a result, this provides our bodies with an early warning system to ward off potentially damaging germs. In addition, the increase in body temperature as a result of physical activity aids in inhibiting the growth of bacteria; thus allowing the body to fight infection more effectively. Exercise can be something as simple as brisk walking.

-Eat a healthy and well balanced diet. To strengthen your immune system, you need to first avoid the things that weaken it. Cut back on junk and fast food, however tasty it may seem. Stick to fresh fruits and veggies. It is very challenging in the world we live in to obtain sufficient nutrition with the foods available to us. They are over processed and void of many essential nutrients.
-Cut down the stress. Stress can be avoided by partaking in relaxation activities such as yoga, tai chi, meditative breathing and muscle relaxation.

-Stay Happy. Have a positive attitude. If you are always complaining, always negative and always expect that things are bad and only getting worse, you run the risk of compromising your immune system. Instead, think positive, live in the present moment and do not take things too seriously.

-No alcohol, drugs, coffee or smoking. It depletes the immune system and body of important nutrients and eventually damages your overall health.

-Increase your intake of antioxidants. Our Indian culture is famous for Ayurveda, herbs. Our generation needs to relive such boons of the past for us to be an immune nation.

-Personal hygiene. Keep your hands washed before preparing foods/eating/touching your face. Use hand sanitizers or use anti bacterial soaps.

Health is wealth, is an old adage! ‘Jaan hai toh jahaan hai’, ‘Sar salamat toh pagdi hazaar’, well say it in any language, they all mean the same, “Save your head first, your possessions should not be your priority. You can buy worldly things anytime later, but not health.”

However busy you are, always strive to be #ApneTareekeSeHealthy. Do any activity that keeps you active, eat healthy and drink lots of water, don't skip this part.

P.S: I am joining Saffola #ApneTareekeSeHealthy initiative and sharing my ways of being healthy in association with BlogAdda.


  1. It's so important to prioritize our health because the cliche "Health is wealth." is so true. I've learned that lesson the hard way.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Oh, are you okay? Take care, Lux :)

      Even I do fall prey to unhealthy things, they are so tempting :P

  2. Hi, extremely nice effort. everybody should scan this text. Thanks for sharing.


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