Sunday, 17 November 2013

Care To Share, Share To Care!

Sharing is a simple lesson that nature teaches us. It is difficult for us to imbibe, though. Many a times, we pull down others in order till climb up. We clutch our possessions and refuse to share the good things of life.

But, what we don’t realize and miss out is that, sharing brings back multiple benefits. Emotions like, sympathy, empathy and consolation brighten our spirits when you share your thoughts, emotions, memories, experiences and even frustrations on social networking sites. This improves health and prolongs life. It is proven by a study, however stupid it may seem!

Imagine where we would have been if our ancestors had decided not to share food, shelter and arrangements of security? Sharing resources saves time. It creates trust and makes us feel secure.

Nowadays, we just make stuff enough for us, without caring to share. Most of us don't even know who stays next door! What good is an idea unless it is uttered? What good is a dream unless executed? Spread the happiness and warmth and do good to people around. Share to show that you care!


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