Friday, 13 February 2015

The World Remade. My Style.

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could just not fail?

The fear of failing stops us from attempting things. But what if the cause is as noble as 'rebuilding the world for a better'? The fear doesn't exist anymore.

The question is, how can I remake the world by my small existence?

When you say 'remake the world', it reminds me of the song's lyrics by Jimmy Cliff- 'Remake the World' from the album 'Follow My Mind'!

"Too many people are suffering
Too many people are sad
Too likable people got everything
While too many people got nothing

Remake the world
With love and happiness
Remake the world
Put your conscience in the test
Remake the world
North, south, east and west
Remake the world
Gotta prove that are the best, yeah

Remake the world
Come on human dignity
Remake the world
Wipe strife and poverty
Remake the world
Get racism from your sight
Remake the world
Be you black, be you white, yeah

We wile remake the world
With love and happiness
Remake the world
People, put your conscience to the test."

Remaking the world is not about today, it is about being a visionary. It is about creating a better world, so that people remember you even after you die.

Busy remaking the world, man often forgets to remake himself. Change is messy. While changing things, you yourself need to mend yourself. Mother Teresa said that "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." Hence, vision with action is important.

Remaking anything is difficult. Because people are too used to the original and consider it as 'good' by default. It is a pressure for the one whose remaking because remakes should always be good/better ones, or else no one wants to see them again!

What I would do to rebuild the world, my way?

End religion.

I know, many people would question me about morals, but I believe, morals can exist even without the barriers of religion. The greatest morality should be Humanity. The world will change when people will start thinking logically rather than believing blindly.

Just look how much violence and outright hate has been caused by religion. I don't promise that ending religion would end all of it, but yes, definitely, it will create a huge impact.

I would convince everyone to open up to changing their minds when something new comes up and pursue the truth behind it. Exit emotions, enter logic - no herd mentality!

I would eradicate corruption and scams. All the hard earned money from common man is going to the filthy politicians.

Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world, said Nelson Mandela. I would end wars, educate poor and invent the 'happiness pill'.

I would eradicate Cancer from the world.

All this adds up to a much better world. This kind of world would make me exclaim with pride and happiness – “Here’s The World, Remade! My style!”

There are many challenges to overcome. But we humans alone have the power to change things! In the end, it's our choice and our voice.

Changing the world does not happens overnight, but it won't happen by not making an effort either. Your role is just as important as the next person's. Little things you consider as insignificant too create an impact. It is a 'ripple effect'. It all starts with us, and our willingness to help create the world that we dream of. You don't have to be elected to change the world. You just have to be committed towards it.

I. The creator, who shall rebuild the world. I is not just me. It is you and everyone around you on an individual level.

Changing and remaking the world is harder than you expect, but it is worth it. So, Renew, Reinvent, Reimagine with Ideas that Excite, Inspire, Empower Experiences that Enlighten, Illuminate, Educate and Icons who Dreams, Do, Deliver.

I am participating in the #TheWorldRemade activity at BlogAdda in association with India Today #Conclave15.

This post is for Blogadda!


  1. This was a lovely post. I found myself nodding at most of The points you made. And yes, I totally agree that having religion is not a necessity to being a moral person.
    All the best for the contest :)

    1. Thank you, Roshan :)
      I'm delighted to know that :D

  2. End religion.

    I know, many people would question me about morals, but I believe, morals can exist even without the barriers of religion. The greatest morality should be Humanity. The world will change when people will start thinking logically rather than believing blindly.

    I couldn't agree more with this Aayesha. Powerful post and a truth be told. We don't need religion to be good human beings and it's not even a necessary evil.

    1. Thank you for the appreciation, Vishal!
      Means a lot :)

  3. It is indeed very difficult to think of changing the world, so many things to change yet not sure what the other side would be or how will we ensure that..

    1. Well said, Partha, But it needs to start from somewhere! :)

  4. So here I'm, adding a few more pennies to your treasury of comments.
    It was indeed a wonderful read. Waiting for the day when atheism rules this world. Inqualaab.... :p
    Best wishes for the contest :)

    1. Your comment is indeed currency to my blog, Arish :D
      Thank you for reading!
      Do come back often ;)

  5. Great points, Aayesha! I share your views.
    May we have a better world. We can remake the world with our good thoughts & deeds.
    Best wishes :)

    1. Thank you, Anita :)
      Great to be with you on the same mental wavelength!
      Amen :)
      All the best to you for the contest!

  6. Amazing world to live in. Excellent points. Really really thought provoking. I loved your pragmatic approach. My best wishes for the contest :)

    1. Yay! Thanks, Gowthama :)
      Glad you liked it :)

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