Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Book Review #35 ~ Arjun: Without A Doubt

Title: Arjun Without A Doubt
Publication: Leadstart Publishing Pvt. Ltd
Pages: 306
Price: 145
Author: Dr. Sweety Shinde

Arjun: Without A Doubt tells the story of Epic Mahabharata from Arjun and Draupadi’s standpoint. I loved how the author has glorified Arjun through Draupadi's eyes and vice versa.

Mahabharatha is a book of true love and relationships. Arjun is pretty much what we expect him to be: a champion warrior. The language of this book is easy. The language brings alive the emotions of the characters. 

The bond between Draupadi and Abhimanyu has been captured beautifully.

Few lines from the book are worth finding place in your personal diary/collection.

Sweety manages to retell the happenings of Mahabharata with great ease. 

I lost track at a couple of places. Sometimes I had to re-read two or three paragraphs to understand better.

The author has done a good job capturing his emotions in the story.  If you’re a Mahabharata fan, I would highly recommend you read this book. 

First look at the title reveals a lot about what the book is going to be in a very short spell. The blurb talks about three people from Mahabharata and their point of views which are to be detailed in the story. It's a precise blurb which never shifts out of focus and nags the reader to go for the book. 

The story embarks on a journey which might change the entire landscape and the ongoing tussle of how to look up to Arjun after his glorified and mystified tales. The Krishna & Arjun chemistry and above it all the Arjun & Draupadi relationship sheds ample light on what happened back then and why it happened altogether?

The downside of the book is its familiar notions coming into play. Once the book settles down and tries to uncover the entire mystery behind the saga and small crucial elements, it tends to tread on the paths of well known events and occurrences which numerous people have gone through again and again.

The book is a source to enlighten and refresh the minds. It's not a sparking revelation but a fine tuned version of the epic. 

The book is written in such a manner, that it gets you to think deeper about your now favourite story Mahabharata, and makes you to see the book in a whole different way with how she extracts bits and pieces from the lesser known versions of the story.

My favourite scenes are when Krishna imparts his wisdom to the duo, and when Draupadi and Arjun finally unite after 8 years. It really makes you feel their sorrows, joy, anger and frustration.

Dr Sweety Shinde doesn’t fail in her promises to make this classic retelling of the epic saga of Draupadi and Arjun an amazing one so she does deliver well on her promise.

The story isn’t over dramatised, the characters’ strengths and weaknesses are what they are, even though there were plenty of such opportunities to exaggerate them. And that is the book’s greatest virtue.

The story of Mahabharata has so much depth and so many layers that one can get lost in it.

Dr. Shinde Sweety's 'Arjun - Without a Doubt' reads like an easy-to-read fiction. That is the beauty of this book's narration.

A rare help of Google may be needed if one wants to understand the back story of every single reference.

Arjun -  thought provoking, interesting, highly recommend. Worth a buy!

Ratings : 4.5/5

P.S: This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!


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