Saturday, 12 September 2015

True Calling

At her book launch, someone asked her, "Hey, you write Romance, why? Just because it sells?"

She replied, "No, I write about love, because it gives me a hope, a satisfaction. Our lives are so crowded. Love between two people gets lost in it. Between what is said and what is not said, most of the love is lost."

Quick came the counter question, "So you write idealistic love stories to create a fairyland for yourself?"

She replied calmly, "No, I write idealistic love stories to save love. I craft stories with words cradled in love. I write love in pages so that if someone reads them, they may discover hope of finding love. I love to write Romance because I can inflict some small part of emotion onto those that I don't believe feel enough. Yes, writing cheesy romance is eloping from the present, but that is my true calling and I will forever chase it."

And they got their answers.

This is in response to Indispire, edition 82:


  1. On the same note, have you read Ayn Rand novels? I would say she writes idealistic love stories.

    1. I haven't read her yet, but thanks a ton for the suggestion, Sun Bloom :) I will read her soon!

  2. Very good post. I love reading romance. It gives me lot of pleasure and I am grateful we have this genre.

  3. Smart, honest and resilient. One heck of a writer. :)


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