Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Nano Fiction 7 : Author

Recently, my blogger friends, Preethi Venugopala and Mayank Kashyap published their books.

This Nano Fiction inspires me to start re-writing the book I started way back in 2013 and haven't touched it since then.

It’s much harder to write a book than people think. Because the words never come out the way they sounded in your head. And it takes a long time to get those words out. 

A  novelist creates a world for the reader. Then the reader creates a world for the novelist. The respect is priceless.

Isolating.  Exhilarating.  Absorbing.  Depressing.  Isolating.  Urgent, pressured and stressful. Exciting.  Terrifying.  Profoundly saddening.  Challenging.  

Being an author is all this, but totally worth it. Having your name in print is profoundly amazing! Hope this motivates me and others to never quit writing.

Happy reading.


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