Thursday, 2 April 2015

Dil Ki Deal (Story 1)

*Prize Winning Entry in Snapdeal’s #DilKiDealOnSnapdeal activity*
It was my parents’ 25th marriage anniversary. I have always gifted them cards from Archies or something like that in the past. But this time I followed my heart. I wanted to make my parents feel ultra special and I wanted to do so not just by gifts/gestures but by words too. I took the plunge and what followed was MAGIC!

I collected all our old albums right from their marriage to our childhood, also our till date family outings!

Heart’s callings lead you to a right path. Always listen to what your heart says; it greatly helps in decision making.

This time gifts were not on priority though I bought an Allen Solly wallet for daddy and a favorite lipstick shade for mommy – all from my first salary. And guess what! Snapdeal delivered both well in time.

Going through all the albums was a spectacular feeling. So soothing, indeed no love greater than family!

I started collecting the ‘best among the rest’ photographs. I decided to make a scrapbook – a kind of timeline.

I started wrapping up the scrap book with a gift paper. On it I wrote, ‘To the world’s best parents!’

I opened the first page – I started penning ~

“Memories are like threads of gold, they never grow old, just get dearer as time flies!”

“10th February – the day fate brought you two together : The day dad blushed and mom looked the prettiest - A historic date!”

Image Source: Personal 

Along with my words, I stuck some pictures of their marriage ceremony. I love personalized gifts.

You can know how much I treasure you, by the kind of gifts I give you. If it is a personalized one, you are very dear to me. Believe you me! Because that implies: I put in efforts and I invest time for you, rather than buying a monetary gift.

The next pages I dedicated to the awesome upbringing and childhood my parents gave me. When I look at the pictures captured of myself and my sibling, I realize how candidly those poses have been captured by my father. As if he was always there to see us being naughty, happy. Nowadays, I see so many parents happily ignoring the childhood of their child and neglecting their little activities.  

Image Source: Personal

I wrote, “I can always trust you both for my life and its decisions. Thanks for being a marvelous support system always!”

Next page, I wrote the lyrics in Hindi – a famous song from Hum Saath Saath Hai – “Yeh Toh Sach Hai ke Bhagwan Hai”. Okay! Now don’t blame me – I know I’m filmy. (grins)

Image Source: Personal

I also advised them something! (winks) ~

“For all the times you have fought and made up, makes me realize the fact that two people need not be alike to love alike! After all, making up is the best part of fighting.”

“Thank you for giving us all we ever needed even before we mentioned it to you! You both have been like ‘balancing poles’. Stay happy, always.”

I finally thanked –

DAD – Symbol of positive thinking, Mentor, Advisor

MOM- Multi-tasker, Companion, Friend

I ended with a little prayer, “It is my heartiest prayer to Allah that he maintains his holy hands on the well being of my family. I worship my parents.”

Image Source: Personal

When I handed over the scrapbook and gifts, they first saw the scrapbook. With that you can gauge how much personalized gifts are valued rather than materialistic ones!

They loved it and blessed me. Till today, they treasure it like the book is a chest of gems! They see it often when they are tired, they say it refreshes them. They still praise me for a unique gift I made for them, despite being busy. There is no joy greater than keeping your parents happy!

Follow your heart, it makes you do wonders. This was my Dil Ki Deal – the best till date! I pleased my parents and made them super happy! Follow your dil for the best deal, I say! Create MAGIC!

P.S: I am participating in the #DilKiDealOnSnapdeal activity at BlogAdda in association with SnapDeal


  1. Aw, that's a lovely tribute.
    May you continue to create magic. :)

  2. That was indeed a lovely gesture to make them feel special

  3. Wondering why didn't you get the first prize... This is so so good. I will borrow this idea for some special occasion.

    Beautiful and heart warming, Aayesha. :)

    1. Aw, Saru :D Your words made me feel great!
      Thank alot :*


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