Friday, 15 January 2016

Nano Fiction 18 : Dowry

I am so down with cold and fever, that every time my nose drips, I feel I am losing parts of my brain along with it. Such is the feeling of catching a cold. It is getting me so restless and I am losing my concentration level. I hate getting sick, it cripples my activities that I plan, on weekends, especially. I have so many pending blogposts to work on and this weekend totally disappoints me.

Anyways, I do not know how many writers, bloggers and story weavers will agree to this!

But I do. Every story you have to share is fabricated out of what is actually lived by you - maybe your own experiences or something that you have observed and has stayed with you in your mind.

Fiction is the truth inside the lie. Not every fiction is fictitious or imaginary. Writers are great observers and even greater narrators!

Nothing leaves their mind until they don't document it! No one says this aloud, though.

Today, I am posting a Nano Fiction for a girl, who is really an epitome of bravery and has inspired me, I am sure she inspired many.

If you still do not know her - She is Remya Ramachandran from Kerala.

She has inspired millions of women by taking a strong step against the custom of dowry. The girl’s Facebook post citing cancellation of marriage due to dowry demands had gone viral a few days back.

Demanding dowry is strictly prohibited under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1962, but the custom is very much prevalent in the Indian society even today.

Remya decided to call off her wedding after the groom demanded money and gold.

So, girls you do not have to 'buy' a man to call yourself 'married'. Wait for the right person. And even if you do not get one, you are your own hero, always! Say no to Dowry.

Also, do share your views on the issue in the comment box below!

I am attaching a video with this post too - it is a song sung powerfully by Sona Mohapatra. This song continues to empower me every time I listen to it!


  1. I read about her when the post became viral. She inspires eveyone else to relook at the age old customs of society.

    1. Indeed, Shaivi. Some things do need reformation! :)
      Thanks for your view.

  2. It takes lots of courage and guts to say NO. From buckling under family pressure to facing scorn, she showed that living by principles in life matters most than anything else. More power to her.

    1. Well said, Vishal. She's set an example!

      Thanks for reading. :)


Commenting is blogger currency. Thank you for reading, now I would like to know your views too :) Your comment is important!