Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Nano Fiction 17 : Empty Heart

The thing I love about my profession is that it never makes me feel grown up. A teacher always remains a student first.

I still bring home fat library books to prepare for my lecture and I used to do so even when I was a student. You never stop learning. Life is pretty much the same! Learning and just more learning. Since I love doing it, it doesn't seem forceful. In fact, being a teacher requires you to study even more.

Do what you love, life will love you back. And always be willing to learn - from books, from people, from other's mistakes (because you cannot and should not do all the mistakes yourself!)

Observe more, judge less. And when life shows you someone's true colours, please do not paint a different picture altogether. You will fool yourself and end up hurting your own self.

Get into anything when you are ready for it - personally and professionally or else you will mess it up hugely. And always demand respect. Anything that doesn't respect you, doesn't make you stay longer.

Similarly, you do not have to get into relationships because others say so, or because you are aging or because it is necessary as a 'social obligation'. Take your time. You will not only cause yourself damage, but also to your partner, if you hurry.

With this short gyan for today, here's the next Nano Fiction! I can't believe I reached the 17th Nano Fiction. The idea of it, came over randomly, sipping a coffee mug! So true, when coffee works, everything else starts working! :D


  1. Do what you love, life will love you back. And always be willing to learn - from books, from people, from other's mistakes (because you cannot and should not do all the mistakes yourself!) ---> I love this part. Echoes of truth. :)


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